Friday, August 30, 2013

BOOK LAUNCH - Free offer - Broken Body, Wounded Spirit: Balancing the See Saw of Chronic Pain (Fall Devotions, revised) by Celeste Cooper and Jeff Miller

“Excellently produced, in short chapters, ideal for anyone suffering Chronic Pain to use. Uplifting quotations, thoughts. Well-formed and helpful diary-form record of pain and relief, ideal for presenting to Pain Management Personnel. Positively and emphatically written, with the sufferer in mind. Highly recommend.”  

Read more reviews on the Fall Devotions of the Broken Body, Wounded Spirit: Balancing the See-Saw of Chronic Pain Series on Amazon here

Being forced to look at life through a peep hole is petrifying, and that is exactly what chronic pain and illness does. It isolates, dominates and threatens the things all human beings hold dear. They are bullies with a ravenous appetite for creating mayhem in one’s life.

Anguishing physical and emotional pain is often overlooked. After all, “the person doesn’t look sick.” From the outside pain isn’t visible, but from the inside, it is an unwanted intruder to the person experienced it. It is a thief of goals and dreams, finances and social life. Finding balance and avoiding isolation when struggling with chronic pain is difficult. This book bursts from its’ bindings as a metaphoric tool to help the reader break free from pain’s shackles. The authors expose their readers to infinite possibilities of viewing life through a door open to a landscape of honor and hope, by using their expertise as RN, educator, and counseling psychologist, the authors guide their readers through the physical and mental chaos.
It is rare to find a book that offers encouragement, practical advice, comfort and aesthetic appeal all at the same time. Fall Devotions of Broken Body, Wounded Spirit, like the rest in the series, offers all this – and more. 

In healing,
Celeste Cooper, RN / Author, Freelancer, Advocate

Think adversity?-See opportunity!

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Learn more about Celeste’s books here. Subscribe to posts by using the information in the upper right hand corner or use the share buttons to share with others. 


Anonymous said...

Just came across your post today 9-10-13 Not a Kindle Owner or any tablet for that matter , I hope to find your book available in any type of print. As a CRPS patient since 2001 , the few paragraphs read here , I can relate . I've been lost in a world unknown to those who use to be my friends. Fear of what the future years to come would affect me , the family I grew up with shut me out of their lives. My marriage in 1990 started off rocky when pre cancerous cells were found on a routine pap smear. 3 years of treatments , followed up by an on the job accident involving a broken left foot that just did not want to heal. On the last day of my P/T treatment, my physician phoned me at work to say my 1995 Elisa Lymes Disease test came back positive. After three years of non stop craziness , my marriage ended in divorce one year later , childless. That was in 1994 , the years between then and know have been lonely , left to fend for myself with a diagnosis of Rsds in October 2001 . I have self taught myself to use a lap top over the past year and as a slow learner , still am unsure of it all. Lucky for me , I stumbled across this page

The Pained Ink Slayer said...

The Kindle app is also available for PC, but I understand. Some things I like to read in paperback too.

Your story is unfortunately not the first I have heard. I don't have CRPS, but a close personal friend does and another who has had 3 tick bites all carrying Lyme's, another poorly understood disorder, all with many complications physically, emotionally and surely socially.

You have sure had a rough road, but know you are not alone. We must fight for awareness and balance in our own lives. Disease does not define our character, and you sure are a survivor. That said, we all, including myself, need reassurance and uplifting during the difficult times. That is why we have started this series. It was born of my own need to use what we wrote in the 434 page book (Integrative Therapies...)on an applicable daily basis.

Here is where the Fall Devotions are available in paperback.


Barnes and Nobel

In healing and hope, Celeste

Celeste's Website

Celeste's Website
Click on the picture