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A Dose of Nature, My Marriage and Pain ©
Pain interferes with my marriage, it’s so.
I know that it will, if I don’t let go.
My marriage falls prey to struggles of pain.
The life raft is nature, says the rain.
Twenty minutes a day the experts say
So I will take my mate with me today.
Harmony the example of all that live here,
The squirrels, the leaves, flowers and deer.
Any marriage needs to feel the swift breeze,
To be nourished by nature just as the trees.
If my marriage learns to crave these things,
Worries take a backseat, even my pain.
So carry on nature, keep up the good work,
We are glad to learn from your great book.
In nature I’m able to endure pain’s course,
All of God’s creatures abhor a divorce.
This is why nature is a good place to rest,
If only a short while, it brings out the best.
Be steadfast with nature, harmony abides,
If WE take a few minutes to go outside.
Celeste Cooper, August 18, 2012
*Tips for writing poetry in Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection by Celeste Cooper, RN and Jeff Miller, PhD
*Tips for writing your own affirmations
*Tips on journaling
A comprehensive review on the proposed and modified American College of Rheumatogy diagnostics for fibromyalgia.
What the heck is a syndrome, and are the syndromes; fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and myofascial pain different?
Do vitamins really work with Dr Andrew Weil.
Nutritional expert Deirdre Rawlings speaks up on How to overcome America’s most overlooked disease. In healing, harmony and hope, Celeste Cooper contributing author to her EBook series, Fibromyalgia Insider Secrets: 10 Top Experts
Developing Healthy Habits, Southwest Wrap
FEATURING Q and A by Celeste at Sharecare
What can I do to improve my fibromyalgia?
What criteria must I meet to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia?
How is my fibromyalgia affecting my thinking?
*Follow all answers by Celeste at
INSPIRING MOMENTS: Giving forward momentum a shove
Grieving Loss In Order To Heal
For most of us, only for a brief moment, you tell of your grief. We shed our tears for a while and then began our day. For me, its not only about where I am today, but about how long I've been here. Unlike some illness, when we speak of ours, it’s in terms of years not days or weeks. We all suffer at its hands, the loss of things undone, lives not lived, events missed and the days yet to come.
Then there's the times when an event in our lives brings up painful memories, some taking us back to the time that we first got sick. We then feel as if we're right back there, in the thick of that early pain. It can be overpowering and scary, leaving us in a state of grief. We don't have to dwell on this grief, yet we must see it, feel it, and release it, each time it comes to the surface. Otherwise, it comes back the next time with reinforcements. Ignoring it doesn't cause it to go away. It only encourages it somehow.
My hope for us would be that through all of the grieving, we'll forgive ourselves for being in this place, not of our own making. In order to move forward, we must grieve our loss or we may find ourselves stuck within the walls of our illness. So grieve, cry, release and live the best life you can, for each day. Knowing, you're not alone in your brand of sorrow. We walk this path together, in order that the journey may be a bit lighter. Healing cannot begin until we let go.
Submitted by Clarissa Shepard at Fellow Travelers (Facebook)
Chronic pain could be causing cognitive deficit. NIH featured research by the NFMCPA.
Mysterious illness links teenage girls along S.A.'s I-10 corridor. News, San Antonio
'Female' gene may be to blame for making women more prone to migraines
Augusts’ featured article is on Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS). Learn more and about its association with FM at
The Dark Side of Pain: Serious Challenges We ALL Face
July/August Research (some with comments) under Monthly Features just posted.
*See complete resource list from TheseThree categorized by condition and therapies
Myofascial pain syndrome is a common comorbid condition to fibromyalgia. This book has timeless information and superb diagramming of myofascial trigger points, their specific pain and symptoms patterns as defined by Drs. Travell and Simons. Treating peripheral myofascial trigger points is paramount in improving muscle function and minimizing input and amplification of pain found in fibromyalgia. As a patient, RN, author and fibromyalgia expert at Sharecare, I found this book to be particularly helpful and well illustrated, something that isn’t always easy to find. It is a must for your massage therapist, physical therapist or any bodyworker who wants to understand how myofascial trigger points can affect the body.
Celeste Cooper, author, Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection. (co-author, Jeff Miller, PhD) and fibromyalgia expert at Sharecare.
SNEAK PEEK (Cooper and Miller, Healing Arts Press: Vermont, 2010, available here
“The ADA and the EEOC” ©
Many people with chronic pain disorders, such as FM, CFID, and CMP, attempt to remain in the workforce in spite of their pain. What statistics do not show is how many of us do not utilize available resources, in part because we are unaware of what protections exist. (Excerpt, Chapter Seven)
Helpful Links
*You can review “about the book” including the Table of Contents of Integrative Therapies…at About the Books
Johns Hopkins Health Alerts takes a look at: ARTHRITIS: Knee Pain: An Early Warning Sign of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting an estimated 27 million people in the United States. By age 40, approximately 90 percent of us have at least some signs of osteoarthritis continue reading.
Christina Tina Bonafede I refer to her book [Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain] as my new health bible. I love it, it is so enlightening.
Do I plan outings when I’m able?
*Additional Help Links at
“When we empower ourselves with knowledge, not even one iota of what learn
the hard way can take it away. Hold on tight, it's going to be quite a ride.”
All blogs, posts and answers are based on the work in Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection by Celeste Cooper, RN, and Jeff Miller, PhD. 2010, Vermont: Healing Arts press and are not meant to replace medical advice.