Someone recently shared a comment made by her physician at
Duke University that horrified me. I was appalled that a physician would make
such a statement, so I want to share my reaction with you. It goes like this…
Duke University physician reportedly said:
"You do know that fibromyalgia is just a word we use
talk about psycho-somatic pain, don't you?"
Could it be she read “The American College of Rheumatology
Preliminary Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia and Measurement of Symptom
Severity”? (Wolfe, 2014). In a letter to follow this blog, I will be looking
into whether or not the American College of Rheumatology has approved the 2010
criteria. It appears they consider comorbid conditions
of migraine and IBS (
here) that are not considered in the Wolfe criteria as follows:”
“Of the binary variables, irritable bowel syndrome,
abdominal pain, and headache had variable importance. However, they added no
power to correct classification and we did not include them in the diagnostic
criteria.” (Page 208, Wolfe, et al., 2010).
Could it be this Duke University physician is unaware of
what others in the field have to say? See “ACR 2010 criteria for fibromyalgia
critiqued by: Mary Ann Moon, Family Practice News Digital Network,
Could it be that she did not see Dr. Sean Mackey’s lecture
at Stanford University that I believe supports key elements in the 2013 Alternative
Diagnostic Criteria? You can view it
This attitude toward fibromyalgia must be stopped in its
tracks if we are to maintain forward momentum. There is a great deal of
empirical evidence showing FM is biological. Yet, despite repeated research
that the brain of the FM patient does not respond to painful stimulus in a
normal way, (not only the emotional center, but also the center in the brain
that specifically interprets pain), many practitioners, even those from Duke
University, are ignorant. The 2010 Preliminary Proposed Diagnostic Criteria modified
in 2011 set forth by Dr. Frederick Wolfe are endangering the many strides taken
to understand fibromyalgia over the past 100+ years.
“[Fibromyalgia] has been known to exist for more than a
hundred years. Symptoms of what we know today as FM were first described in the
seventeen hundreds, and the disorder was first observed and documented by
British surgeon William Balfour in 1816. In 1904 the same collection of
symptoms was recognized by another British fibromyalgia pioneer, Sir William
Gowers, who described chronic soft tissue syndromes as fibromyositis.” (Excerpt Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection.)
| |
We also have the new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (DSM-5) from the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) to
thank for what Dr. Wolfe calls
FIBROMYALGIANESS. Marly Silverman and I wrote about, and predicted, this two years ago in a piece on the prospects of the DSM-5.
I have been in collaboration with well-respected fibromyalgia
expert Dr. Robert Bennett, and have written a blog explaining his well-researched
diagnostic criteria, which DOES consider all aspects of fibromyalgia. He and his
colleagues report their findings without bias. I hope you will read that blog
Pay close attention to the example of the 2013 Alternate Fibromyalgia Criteria
(2013 Alt FM Criteria) and the proven tools such as the Fibromyalgia Impact
Questionnaire (
Following is an excerpt from that blog with my comments.
*1. “Fibromyalgia patients have a continuum of symptoms; a
diagnosis based on a strict numerical cutoff is subject to error.” In other
words, a physician or nurse practitioner should not be limited by a subjective
questionnaire. They should rely on their abilities to physically assess a
patient with hands-on exam to assess physical complaints, take a patient
history, order and interpret test results, complete a physical exam, and apply
their diagnostic skills. No practitioner should limit the scope of their
abilities. Without these expert assessments, we would not know that the tender
point count has not stringently met the 1990 ACR criteria.
*2. “The presence of another pain disorder or related
symptoms does not rule out a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.” We know from the
literature that fibromyalgia can and often does coexist with certain other
disorders, such as those defined by the CDC. Dr. Wolfe's modification of his 2010 criteria suggests in point three under the
description of the criteria above in order to diagnose fibromyalgia, “the
patient does not have a disorder that would otherwise sufficiently explain the
* 3. “A careful clinical evaluation is always required in
order to identify any condition that could fully account for the patient’s
symptoms and/or contribute to the severity of the symptoms.” A clinical
evaluation includes the parameters mentioned above in *1. The Bennett
investigators conclude that a patient’s symptoms should be investigated
seriously and not be dismissed as poly-symptom somatic complaints as suggested
by the Wolfe team of investigators. This is important because many of the
symptoms fibromyalgia patients experience can be attributed to other treatable
conditions that affects patient outcome.
I had to respond to the likes of the Duke University doctor,
because she is not alone thanks to the likes of Dr. Wolfe who uses unapproved
APA tools and handpicked databases for his research. I am not a scientist, nor
a statistician, however I did conduct a study while in college, and I can tell
you that doing an unbiased literature review is research 101. Choosing only
literature that fits your hypothesis is flawed. Oddly enough, or not so oddly
enough, I recently saw an article in a Physicians online journal “Healthcare
Professionals Network”
here that suggested Dr. Bennett endorsed the 2010 Wolfe Criteria carte blanche. In
fact, the Bennett Alternative Criteria published in the September issue of
Arthritis Care and Research, (Bennett, et al. 2014), includes a comparative
analysis. Yet, this reporter made no mention that the 2013 Alternate Criteria
outperformed the Wolfe, et al 2010 modified criteria in key areas. This partiality
makes his report nothing short of propaganda.
Remember, if your physician is not helping you feel better physically,
mentally, and emotionally, they have issues, not you! If they are not
conducting a physical exam and considering common comorbid conditions to fibromyalgia,
they are negligent. If you are harmed by their disregard for your complaints or
inconsiderate statements,
report them. (See the links on my website
here.) Next time, record your visit. Plenty of chronically ill patients need to have
counseling for dealing with their symptoms, but to need it because of a doctor
that took an oath to do no harm is unacceptable.
postea: added after original
blog post:
To whom it may concern—American
College of Rheumatology… Criteria for Diagnosing Fibromyalgia, by Celeste Cooper
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Fibromyalgia: an INTERVIEW with Dr Frederick Wolfe, University of
Kansas School of Medicine. Medical Net News.
Frederick Wolfe, Daniel J. Clauw, Mary-Ann Fitzcharles,
Don L. Goldenberg, Robert S. Katz, Philip Mease, Anthony S.
Russell, I. Jon Russell, John B. Winfiled, and Muhammad B. Yunus. The American College of Rheumatology Preliminary Diagnostic
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Care & Research, Vol. 62, No. 5, May 2010, pp 600–610. DOI
Wolfe F, Brähler E, Hinz A, Häuser W. Arthritis Care Res
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Wolfe F, Clauw DJ, Fitzcharles MA, Goldenberg DL, Häuser W,
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criteria and severity scales for clinical and epidemiological studies: a
modification of the ACR Preliminary Diagnostic Criteria for
Fibromyalgia. J Rheumatol. 2011 Jun;38(6):1113-22. doi:
10.3899/jrheum.100594. Epub 2011 Feb 1.
~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~
Update as of April 2015
"Adversity is only an obstacle if we fail to see
Celeste Cooper, RN
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