is “Pain Awareness Month”, so I couldn’t think of a better time to share this
most important update, or unofficial addendum, to our Integrative
Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain
at the Rolfing Institute, Ann M. Matney, was kind enough to let me know the
nitty gritty. Following is what she shared.
As human beings going through life, we
develop postural and movement patterns that deeply inform who we are.
From physical ease to chronic pain at varying levels, how we inhabit our bodies
creates the background of our immediate experience. My passion is to
guide clients through the Rolfing® ten-series, which allows them to explore
posture and movement with new awareness and often releases them from limiting
patterns that cause pain and discomfort.
I am a certified Rolfer® in
Bozeman, MT and I’ve been practicing for 14 years. I want to thank
you for writing Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia,
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection, an accessible, informative book
that opens the doors to the world of integrative medicine as treatment for
these difficult conditions.
I found the section on Rolfing®
Structural Integration to be well-written and accurate, picking up on many of
the subtleties that are often glossed over or misunderstood. So, I
thank you for your careful assessment.
What is Rolfing?
One of the main issues that the
Rolf Institute of Structural Integration seeks to clarify in the press is that,
despite the use of a physical contact that is comparable to “myofascial
release”, structural integration is not a form of massage. Rolfing/Structural
Integration is a separate lineage with its own history, as well as its own
schools and separate continuing education. One cannot learn massage
at a “Structural Integration (SI)” school, nor properly learn SI at a massage
school. In fact, “myofascial release” and “deep tissue massage” are
offshoots of Rolfing.
The Difference between Rolfing and
An important distinction between
Rolfing and myofascial release is that Rolfing strategically lengthens fascia
that is shortened, while avoiding lengthening fascia that is relatively long,
so that the person achieves maximal balance between agonist/antagonist muscle
pairs as well as creating more balance at each joint.
Rolfing also includes postural and
movement re-education for sitting, standing, walking, and so forth, so that the
client can consciously integrates new postural and movement balance. I say all
this as a means of explanation for why we decline to have structural
integration referred to as massage.
Is Rolfing Painful?
Clients with fibromyalgia and
other chronic pain disorders need not be fearful that Rolfing is
“aggressive”. When the practitioner has
a patient-focused approach, it may be used successfully because current
structural integration training and practice is intentionally neither
aggressive nor painful. While there was a belief that more intensity
yielded more results when Rolfing was first emerging as a bodywork, that
thinking has been extinguished for decades at both institutional and individual
to Rolfing
Craniosacral therapy and neurofeedback
can reduce anxiety and lift depression, allowing clients to experience a sense
of peacefulness and integration that compliments Rolfing. I help clients
inhabit their physical selves in a new and deeper way so that comfort and
integration can become their new normal.
Ann M. Matney has a B.A. in philosophy from Smith College, is a certified Rolfer® by the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, and she is trained in craniosacral therapy and neurofeedback. She is currently enrolled as a graduate student in a rehabilitation counseling at Montana State University.
Annie tells me the International Association of
Structural Integrators sets the standards for structural integrators. Rolfers®
(which should be capitalized every time and followed by the registered
trademark symbol for the first occurrence) are one group, namely those
certified by the Rolf Institute of Structural Integration in Boulder, CO.
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"Adversity is
only an obstacle if we fail to see opportunity."
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Cooper, RN