Celeste Cooper, that’s me, is now a Health Pro at Health Central. My role there is to write twice a month on issues having to do with chronic pain. This includes writing about various conditions, coping strategies, and items of interest to you as a community member. As you can see from my very first post, A Personal Account on Chronic Pain: What If, it is YOU who inspires ME. If you have a question, all you have to do is ask. Each of us at Health Central comes to the table with our own life’s experiences and that includes you!
Getting Started
Once you join the community, you can:
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What you can do as a community member:
Being a community member at Health Central means just that. This is an integrative and interactive platform for discussing what matters most to you and your health. You can:
- Ask questions
- Make comments on share/posts
- Share your story
Other Things You Can Do at Health Central
- Find information on “Conditions from A-Z”
- Use key words in the search bar to find posts, questions, and answers.
- Ask Questions. Once you become a member, you can ask questions here.
You will also be able to:
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Check Your Levels of Stress and Evaluate Your Success at Managing Stress
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Learn Your Body Fat Percentage (Good for baseline information and a periodic assessment.)
How to Get Recommended Daily Calories & Fat
Assess Risk Factors for High Cholesterol; Things You Can Do to Manage
I hope to see you at Health Central.
Think adversity? - See Opportunity! Celeste http://www.healthcentral.com/profiles/c/662034