Thursday, September 19, 2019

Road Mapping The Hazards Of Pain And Averting Crisis This Fall

As we descended the Rockies, marking the end of our annual respite, my husband and I were blasted by the summer heat. Yet, I am grateful for the opportunity to renew my spirit, comfort my body, and bring calm to my mind because of my shared experience with the ever changing temperament of nature.

As we travel across the flatlands, which are alive with corn fields and roads lined with bright yellow sunflowers, I am reminded of the purpose of a Midwest summer, its sun, color, and growth. Yet, I am also aware summer will soon surrender to the crisp chilly air of fall and the harvest moon.

Some of us living with chronic pain will see an uptick in our symptoms as a result of the changing season. So, as summer transitions into fall so does our need to adapt. 

Reflections on the Road from Celeste’s Photography©

To map out a course of action 
and follow it to an end requires courage.” 

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


Not every day presents a crisis of earth shattering magnitude. (See “Day Twenty-eight.”) However, those of us who experience chronic pain do have challenges to overcome on a regular basis making it important to be aware of system breakdown predictors. Factors apparent in a total system breakdown include a loss of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual safety net (the four-seated teeter-totter we discuss in this series of books). If we are aware that mounting daily stressors are precursors to a crisis, can we be better prepared should a crisis occur?

Symptoms that risks are mounting:

·        We become short tempered.
·        We don't feel rested for several days in a row.
·        We have more difficulty than usual concentrating.
·        We feel overwhelmed and without resources.
·        Our pain is not being managed adequately.
·        We struggle with tasks that we normally manage well.

What can we do when we find a consistent pattern that could be leading up to a coping failure? We can:

·        Delay chores or break them down into segments.
·        Approach each day individually and break it down by each hour if necessary.
·        Summon help from support system members or healthcare providers.
·        Give ourselves permission to rest.
·        Change what we can, and let the rest go.
·        Accept that some days doing the minimum allows us to charge our battery and prevent a total breakdown later.
·        Focus on our successes.

What can I add to the list of warning signs?

Excerpt, Broken Body, Wounded Spirit: Balancing the See-Saw of Chronic Pain, e Fall f Day Three
Available on Amazon and all major outlets in paperback and Kindle.


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In healing,

Celeste Cooper, RN / Author, Freelancer, Advocate

Think adversity?-See opportunity!

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