Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Disclosure

The Federal Trade Commission requires that I disclose relationships with companies for which I receive a commission as a reviewer, influencer, affiliate, advocate, or sponsor of an advertised product.

For you to know:

·        I only promote products after a full and honest review that results in easing my chronic pain and/or other symptoms.

·        These products are given to me for such review.

·        If you purchase products via a link I provide or use my unique discount code, I receive a small commission with no additional cost to you. There are certain conditions that must be met as part of my relationship with these companies. As an example, a product purchased via a third party site is not eligible for affiliate/advocate discounts, and more than one code may not be used at the same time. Such restrictions are at the discretion of the company involved and are generally customary.

·        The affiliate links or discount codes and comments I share via The Pained Ink Slayer, my Facebook profile and/or page Integrative Books, Articles and Advocacy for Chronic Pain and Illness, Twitter, Instagram, or Pintrest are for products I recommend based on my personal experiences. I cannot guarantee others will have the same results, though I certainly hope so or I would not promote them.

·        Affiliate posts will be identified as a “Paid Partnership with [brand],” “[brand] Partner,” “advertisement,” “ad,” “sponsored,” etc. and must be stated in all posts according to the FTC. Paid affiliations between a company and a sponsor/partner must be disclosed regardless if a particular post is connected to a commission.

I give my honest opinion for products I have found useful for me personally and I have a paid partnership with the companies of the products I advertise.

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