Wednesday, September 2, 2020

AACIPM: Resources For People With Pain

These have been trying times for everyone, and anxious times for many of us living with conditions that cause chronic pain and illness.  Everything I write about, being with people to avoid feelings of isolation, focusing on what we can do, and finding coping mechanisms that promote mental, physical, emotional, spiritual balance has been helpful to me, and I hope our readers. 

When I wrote my last blog, I talked about how we have a leg up on this staying in isolation thing. A lot has happened since then. We know more about COVID, we have better treatments and some options, all the things people living with intractable pain hope to have. However, the virus is not gone and neither is our chronic pain.


Though I have cut way back on the computer and social media time in an effort to manage my own pain issues, I cannot let September roll by without expressing the importance of accessing our resources. Therefore, when I got my monthly email from my wonderful group at PAINS-KC with a link to the updated resources at AACIPM, I was excited to highlight this valuable resource for my fellow fibro and chronic pain survivors.




"The Alliance to Advance Comprehensive Integrative Pain Management (AACIPM) is the first-of-its-kind multi-stakeholder collaborative, comprised of people living with pain, public and private insurers, government agencies, patient and caregiver advocates, researchers, purchasers of healthcare, policy experts, and the spectrum of healthcare providers involved in the delivery of comprehensive integrative pain management.” Read on…




The AACIPM website offers many helpful resources and useful tools for those of us living with chronic pain, such as:


  • Apps to help manage pain, track pain, deal with flares, etc.
  • Books written by friends and fellow authors, Toni Bernhard, Dr. Lynn Webster, and more that I look forward to reading.
  • Videos offering summaries and visual aids for understanding pain.
  • A short summary of various websites and the support or information they offer.




The patient and pain care providers are the two most important stakeholders for guiding and participating in important research to learn more about chronic pain as a society.  The Alliance to Advance Comprehensive Integrative Pain Management brings the stakeholders together with a united force. You can read about the history, here.

The AACIPM offers a plethora of additional information on symposiums, advocacy, who is participating, and more from those I have had the pleasure of working with in the past. I suspect you will find something that piques your interest.


“Those who have learned by experience what physical pain and bodily anguish mean, belong together all the world over; they are united by a secret bond.”

- Albert Schweitzer

Additional Reading:

Pain Justice: A Resource For Chronic Pain Survivors (Posted March 1, 2020)

In healing,

Celeste Cooper, RN / Author, Freelancer, Advocate

Think adversity?-See opportunity!

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