Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sneak Peek – Revised edition of Broken Body, Wounded Spirit: Balancing the See-Saw of Chronic Pain, SUMMER DEVOTIONS

Inside the Cover:

“Broken Body – Wounded Spirit is a movable feast of poetry, reflections, coping strategies, educational tidbits, enchanting imagery, and more. For anyone in persistent pain holding a desire to restore physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance, Celeste and Jeff offer help, hope, and a path to self-empowerment.” Myra J. Christopher, Kathleen M. Foley Chair in Pain and Palliative Care at the Center for Practical Bioethics, and Principal Investigator of the Pain Action Alliance to Implement a NationalStrategy.

Day One

The Power of Summer
Today is the day to begin our summer growth, a time to mature into a different way of thinking about how we can use and improve on what we learned from the Spring Devotions in this series. As we embrace the summer season and feel the warmth of the sun, we learn to rise up in the face of summer power and empowerment despite our personal adversities. The benefits of the season are bountiful...

Spending 20 minutes in the sun can:
  • Boost vitamin D levels (having many health benefits).
  • Provide an opportunity to get up and get going.
  • Improve our mood...
and more.

Things we can do while we are enjoying the outdoors: 
  • Appreciate the detail of a flower by looking at it closely with a camera or magnifying glass.
  • Smell new mown grass and feel it under our feet.
  • Spend time visiting with a friend...

 and more.

What are some other things I could add to these lists?

About the Book 
Review the Table of Contents 
What others have to say, Inside the Cover 


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