Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Does someone with fibromyalgia need more exercise?

This question is based on my original answer as fibromyalgia expert at ShareCare.

View other answered questions on my profile at
More exercise is not the answser to managing fibromyalgia when compared to the population at large. It is the type and amount of exercise that is important.

The motto is always, start low and go slow. Generally, therapists that do not truly understand FM will ask you to do more than you should. When you exercise a muscle with myofascial trigger points present (see ) it will cause rebound of the trigger point (TrP). This causes further shortening and dysfunction of the muscle, increased pain, and activation of latent trigger points which will then cause pain which may be well away from the primary TrP. These referral patterns are consistent among all patients.

Many, most, and possibly all FM patients have chronic myofascial pain from myofascial trigger points. Treatment is necessary for exercise to be successful. Once they are treated, gentle stretching and aerobic exercise is imperative to help prevent the reoccurrence, and prevent increased centralization of pain. Unfortunately in FM, the triggers for development of TrPs are different from someone with a traumatic injury. In FM it may only take a chill to activate myofascial trigger points.

If exercising causes more pain, you are less likely to stick with it.

All blogs, posts and answers are based on the work in Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection by Celeste Cooper, RN, and Jeff Miller, PhD. 2010, Vermont: Healing Arts press

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Samual said...

Thanks for sharing such useful information. Overwhelming fatigue and weakness are the most obvious symptoms of Chronic fatigue syndrome.. The weakness can be so severe as to prevent the person from doing routine activities like getting out of bed, eating or playing.

Lilly said...

The response of medication to pain varies from person to person. Both tramadol and hydrocodone are noted for remarkably handling and healing pain. Hydrocodone is out and out more potent in binding the pain receptors held responsible for handling pain and its action-mechanism is easier to understand than that of tramadol. Tramadol is a semi synthetic analgesic which serves the exact purpose as hydrocodone does, but without the narcotic traits. Tramadol is relatively easier to access than hydrocodone, but has potent addictive properties too.

Celeste's Website

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