Friday, July 1, 2011

Can fibromyalgia or CFS/ME cause depression?

This question is based on my original answer as fibromyalgia expert at ShareCare.

View other answered questions on my profile at

Depression can result from the losses associated with having FM and/or CFS/ME; it is not a psychological disorder, but feeling blue and even possibly isolated are a common. We are grieving a loss, not only of our previous functioning, but personal relationships, as well.

Having chronic daily pain and fatigue and the other conditions that accompany FM and CFS/ME are perpetuators to depression.

Acceptance is the first step to managing any chronic illness, but can be difficult. If you are not getting the support you need see a counselor that is experienced in helping people with chronic pain. My co-author started out as my therapist.
It is important to see a counselor that is experienced in helping people with chronic pain. My co-author started out as my therapist.
The right therapist is:

• Highly personal, a connection both nurturing and challenging.
• Highly empathic and not limited by your current perceptions.
• One that uses various therapeutic approaches
• Actively engaged with your therapy.
• One you feel connected to, as well as challenged.
• Never takes advantage of a client, financially, emotionally, or sexually

Other sections of Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection discuss various therapeutic approaches, such as visualization, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, hypnosis, and affirmations.

Harmony and Hope, Celeste

1 comment:

Samual said...

Hey, really useful and fantastic information you have posted here. . Chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the most punishing, cruel, and difficult diseases to heal.There are many people who suffer from the symptoms of chronic fatigue fibromyalgia but because it’s not a well known disease many of these people don’t realize that they’ve it. Most people don’t learn about this disorder until they make an appointment with their doctor to find relief from the symptoms.

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