Saturday, February 11, 2017

Partners, Friendships, Chronic Pain and Illness

(Updated February 25, 2017)

Fortifying friendships and reclaiming romance in the lives of those of us who live with chronic pain and/or chronic illness is something we should do throughout the year.

friendship = the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends. (Google, 2-11-2017)

We have all sorts of relationships. For instance, we have relationships with co-workers, our doctors, our barber, or hairdresser, and sometimes even with the person who delivers our mail. But, none is as necessary to our emotional well-being as our relationships with family, life partners, and friends. 

The relationships that prevail are those that make us feel safe. They allow us to share in problem solving and lift us up in joy and celebration. These particular  connections nurture our love, trust, forgiveness, and support. They deserve our attention and our time.


My Personal Testimony
I can testify that just a few changes on my part have made a huge difference in the way others react to me and my disabilities. My friends say that previously they were afraid to share things with me because of my health problems and their unpredictability. Because I have learned how to share my experiences and how to keep the lines of effective communication open, they are no longer intimidated by me. I learned that my behavior and reactions to others only hampered smooth interactions with friends and family.


Friendships play a key role in our happiness. So, plan to send a message of gratitude to your special people. 

Walking with a friend in the dark is 
better than walking alone in the light.
~Helen Keller

Check out the slideshow written exclusively for Health Central, 8 Ways to Reclaim Romance this Valentine’s Day the article written for ProHealth, 10 Things that Sustain Fibro Friendships, my Sharepost for Health Central, Disbelief, Relationships and the Stigma of ChronicPain. Check out my website on relationships, communication, and other coping strategies. I hope you find them helpful for renewing current and past relationships and finding new ones.

P.S. This blog has been updated. The original was shared by ProHealth and has hit the Google Health search. We never know how or where our words will be shared. Thank you to all my readers and followers for your unwavering support. These relationships inspire me.

In healing,,Celeste

"Adversity is only an obstacle if we fail to see opportunity."

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~

Celeste Cooper, RN
Author—Patient—Freelance Writer at Health Central & ProHealth Advocate

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Learn more about Celeste’s books at her website or find links here on Celeste's  blog. Subscribe to posts by using the information in the upper right hand corner or use the share buttons to share with others.

All answers and blogs are based on the author's opinions and writing and are not meant to replace medical advice.  

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