Thursday, March 21, 2013

VOTE for the AFFIRMATION Contest! We need YOU!

A big “THANK YOU” goes to each of you who took the time to submit your personal affirmation.  Reading how each of you focuses on positive ways of dealing with hardship is inspiring. We never know how far our words go or how many hearts they reach, to know you are an instrument in that healing has been a personal gift.

Now, on the next step, please help us choose the winner of the Broken Body, Wounded Spirit: Balancing the See Saw of Chronic Pain affirmation contest. 

Voting ends at midnight March 31st.

Where to vote:

You can vote n the comments here on the blog.
Linked –In Poll “What is your favorite affirmation?”

  • National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Life Magazine
  • Pain Sufferers Speak
  • FibroMadness
  • Patient Advocate Foundation
  • Power of Pain
  • FibroLIFE
  • Chronic Pain Support

How to Vote

In the comments area simply vote for #1, #2, or #3, there are not in any particular order.  

#1 “Bring on the day so I can make the most of the moments.
      Some may hurt but others will take your breath away. “© 

#2 "Be kind to yourself. Respect who you are.
      Walk in the light of your fearlessness. "© 

#3  “Step by step, I'm following my path towards optimal health
       with grace, gratitude and grit."©

The Prize

The author of the winning affirmation receives:

  • A copy of Broken Body, Wounded Spirit: Balancing the See Saw of Chronic Pain,              FALL Devotions.
  • Their affirmation with their chosen signature line in print in the next edition, Broken Body, Wounded Spirit: Balancing the See Saw of Chronic Pain, SUMMER Devotions.

Important note: These affirmations are the original words of the author and are not to be published without their signature, which has been omitted here solely for the purpose of contest anonymity.  All three authors will be identified when the contest is completed so credit can be given.

Thank you again for your devotion to the contest.  Though we may not always reach our full potential because of pain, our progressive work to achieve a worthy goal is something we command, it gives of power, when things seem out of control. Learning the see opportunity from adversity by writing personal affirmation is what fills the gap often created by the struggles in our painful life. 

In healing and hope, Celeste

You can find tips for writing affirmations at:


Elizabeth Scala said...

I absolutely love number two! So strong. So affirming. So positive.

So how did people get to submit these? I love this idea!! Great work!

Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a healthy day, Elizabeth Scala

Anonymous said...

# 2 is my vote!

Anonymous said...

I love # 2 as well! It's not cutesy, has no "shrink-speak", doesn't ask for the impossible and it's SHORT and easy to remember which is so important for us!

Celeste's Website

Celeste's Website
Click on the picture