"A feeling of aversion or attachment toward something is your clue that there's work to be done."
-Ram Dass
“It’s my personal obligation to see prospects for improvement when I’m faced with hardship.” ~ Celeste
*Tips for writing your own affirmations http://thesethree.com/Key_to_Affirmations.html
*Tips on journaling https://thesethree.com/Journaling.html
Website’s Featured Article for July 2012 - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
June 2012 Blogs
- Are your drains clogged? – Lymphatic Massage (here)
- Thyroid, what have you done to me now? (here)
- A Thief in the Night: Is pain robbing you of love? (here)
- Plumping up our prunes, sinusitis in Fibro and CFID. (here)
The Benefits of Gardening with Dr Weil
Breathing with Dr. Weil
FEATURING Q&A by Celeste at Sharecare
- How do I manage fibromyalgia on a daily basis? (here)
- Can pregnancy cause fibromyalgia? (here)
- Is Fibromyalgia Related to Restless Leg Syndrome? (here)
INSPIRING MOMENTS: Giving forward momentum a shove
Eight Things I learned from Pain via Kate Bartolotta (here)
P-A-N-D-O-R-A making a difference for you. June 11, 2012
DSM-5 Task Force American Psychiatric Association
1000 Wilson Boulevard Suite 1825
Arlington, VA 22209Members of the DSM-5 Task Force, view letter here
Look for PANDORA and "Classy Awards" (here)
Interesting patient comments on the CFSAC committee meeting at the Phoenix Rising forum.
Researcher Calls For Expansion Of Programs To Identify Potential Drug Abusers And Protect Pain Patients. (here)
Interstitial cystitis: A current guide
to diagnosis and treatment. Lindsey A. Miller, MSBS, PA-C. (here)
July’s http://thesethree.com/ website feature Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Chang CM, Warren JL, Engels EA. Chronic fatigue syndrome and subsequent risk of cancer among elderly US adults. Cancer. 2012 May 30. doi: 10.1002/cncr.27612.[This study suggests a correlation in cellular immune dysfunction and cancer, which may only include a subset of CFS patients. Cc]
Häuser W, Jung E, Erbslöh-Möller B, Gesmann M, Kühn-Becker H, Petermann F, Langhorst J, Weiss T, Winkelmann A, Wolfe F. Validation of the Fibromyalgia Survey Questionnaire within a Cross-Sectional Survey. PLoS One. 2012;7(5):e37504. Epub 2012 May 25. Further validation studies of the FSQ in clinical and general population settings are necessary. [Germans testing the validity of the Preliminary Diagnostic Criteria for diagnosing Fibromyalgia. I have concerns regarding not addressing some unresolved concerns. More testing of this tool is indicated, and of course, I would like to see someone address the plethora of research that suggests the comorbidity of myofascial pain syndrome. Cc]
*See all featured research for July at https://thesethree.com/Featured_Research.html
Breaking Thru the Fibro Fog: Scientific Proof Fibromyalgia is Real by Kevin White, MD, PhD
Dr. Kevin White does a magnificent job providing scientific fact that fibromyalgia is a very real and disabling disorder. He speaks to two audiences the patient and the healthcare community. Though he is a clinician and researcher you wouldn't believe he didn't have fibromyalgia himself. To have such insight as a practitioner is a gift to those for whom he advocates. He has an innate ability to make the reader anxious to hear more about science, which is usually pretty boring reading. No difficulty keeping me tuned in, other than my own disparity of the side effects of having fibromyalgia.
“The Blues” ©
This could be a reaction to an event, a death of someone not extremely close, a loss, or bad news, such as an unwelcome diagnosis or test results. If you’ve ever lost a beloved pet, you understand this completely. (Excerpt, Chapter Five)
My dear friend and mentor, who so kindly wrote the foreword to our book now has a group on Facebook. She will offer invaluable support. In healing, harmony and hope, Celeste
Utube on CFS
Can where you live affect joint pain from Dr. Mehmet Oz. (here)
Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection is recommended reading by author Devin Starlanyl, http://homepages.sover.net/~devstar/bibcopin.htm
What motivates me?
Sharecare Q&A Health Site created by Jeff Arnold (Web MD), Dr. Mehmet Oz, Harpo Studios, SONY Television, and Discovery Communications
National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association
Chronic Intractable Pain and You
Dr. John Whiteside, Australia
Kevin White, MD, PhD, Canada
Dr. Mark Guariglia
Deirdre Rawlings, ND, PhD
Devin Starlanyl, author/researcher who wrote the forward to Integrative Therapies....
Bill Douglas, author, T’ai Chi expert for Dr. Andrew Weil, book endorsement for Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection.
Jeff Miller, PhD, co-author
The many others who share information, support our books, and promote the philosophies of this newsletter.
*Additional Help Links at TheseThree.com http://thesethree.com/Helpful_Links_WXOJ.html
“When we empower ourselves with knowledge, not even one iota of what learn
the hard way can take it away. Hold on tight, it's going to be quite a ride.”
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