Disordered sleep is prevalent in both fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis. Sleep deprivation, can affect your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Lack of restorative sleep weakens the immune response leaving us more susceptible to other diseases and disorders.
I understand only too well the effects of insomnia and disordered sleep. Sometimes, many times, despite doing everything right a road block occurs and we literally lose our map to life. This is why I think it is important, in light of the more recent research that we all have a sleep study, so integrative therapies can be implemented.
What is a sleep disorder?
Sleep disorders are characterized by different circumstances. Sleep apnea for instance is an obstructive sleep disorder, and can co-exist with FM and CFS/ME. When this happens a person is deprived of oxygen, which is needed for cellular metabolism and energy. Disordered sleep, meaning that the normal cycles of sleep are not present, not maintaining sleep, and delayed sleep onset have been consistently reported by fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) patients.
Here is a link from About.com that has a really good explanation of the sleep cycles, though these seem to be changing. One thing we except in science is that nothing remains the same.
Many of us seldom, if ever, enter deep stages of sleep, so I am including a link regarding slow wave sleep (SWS, which may in the future be defined as one stage). From Wikipedia.org:
It seems to me, anecdotally (and according to some studies), people with non-restorative sleep, an overlapping symptom between FM and CFS/ME, have a disordered or disrupted sleep cycle. As if that is not enough, there are other co-existing conditions that seem to cluster with both FM and CFS/ME, teeth grinding (bruxism), periodic limb movement (PLM), TMJ, sleep starts, and delayed sleep phase (inability to fall or maintain sleep). These can and do play a role in sleep quality, and I am advocating that an assessment for myofascial trigger points, RLS and PLM be included in the proposed diagnostic criteria for FM and a better explainantion for “jaw pain.”
Sleep deprivation can impede healing and interfere with our body’s immune system, not to mention agitation, and sleep deprivation psychosis. This might explain why so many of us have difficulty fighting off viruses and recovering from trauma, including the micro-trauma we experience in our everyday lives that is repaired during normal sleep.
So what do we do?
According to the Wikipedia link, it seems alcohol (I am assuming not too much, though they don’t state such), THC, and SSRI’s, and possibly Xyrem can promote slow wave sleep (SWS), and benzodiazepines, such as Klonopin can inhibit SWS.
I bring up Klonopin specifically because it is often prescribed to help with the periodic limb movement (PLM) seen in the FM and CFS/ME patient. This leads me to conclude that the treatment for PLM may also be an aggravating factor for lack of SWS. Other treatment suggestions for PLM include, sleeping pills, anti-seizure medications and narcotic pain killers. On the flip side, I have heard that the addition of a benzodiazepine such as Ativan (Lorazepam) might help with myofascial trigger point relaxation. Don’t give up, continue to work with your doctor to find the right treatment for you. People with hypertension know the trial and error involved in finding the right blood pressure medication, the same hold true for us.Not only are we genetically different, we all have our own grocery cart of co-existing conditions.
If I didn’t learn anything else from this investigation, it is that your best bet is to find a good sleep specialist that understands FM and CFS/ME. You and he/she can work together.
There is something you can do to promote your circadian rhythm, which is
orchestrated by two markers, melatonin concentration and core body temperature. Have a bedtime ritual.
A Helpful Acronym for Sleep Hygiene ©
S - Schedule bedtime and stick to it
L - Limit physical activity before bedtime
U - Use comfort measures
M - Meditate (count those lambs)
B - Breathe
E - Eliminate stress and food (including caffeine 2-3 hours prior to bedtime)
R - Remember nothing—clear your mind (journal your to-do list so you can let go)
*(Excerpt from the book, copyrighted material)
In healing,
Celeste Cooper, RN / Author, Freelancer, Advocate
Think adversity?-See opportunity!

Additional reading:
- What’s the Big Deal about Sleep?
- Is sleep keeping you awake at night? Poor sleep in people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome
- Don't Snooze? You Lose - Sleep Deprivation in Pain Disorders
- The Mystery of Sleep in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Sleep oh sleep, where art thou? Could your fibromyalgia medications be causing insomnia?
- Snooze News - The conundrum of sleep deprivation
- “Wake Up Sleepy Head” - Non-Restorative Sleep in FM and CFS
~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~
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Arthritis Today. Restless Leg Syndrome Linked to Fibromyalgia by Jennifer Davis (accessed, 11/18/10)
Cooper and Miller. Integrative Therapies for fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection. Healing Arts Press: Vermont, 2010.
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