Thursday, August 11, 2011

Fibromyalgia and the Workplace

Telling your boss you have fibromyalgia is a personal choice. If you require specific needs, such as time off for doctors appointments, make special revisions to your work area to accommodate your needs, or apply for FMLA, then you may not have a choice.

Staying productive is important, but if your needs exceed what your employer believes is acceptable, there are certain rules that may protect you and certain rules that may protect your employer.

Chapter Seven, Dealing with the System Systematically, in our book, Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection covers the laws and programs devised to provide you with protection and help you remain in the workforce.

This blog is based on my original answer as fibromyalgia expert at ShareCare to the question. Do I need to tell my boss about my fibromyalgia?”
View other answered questions on my profile at

All blogs, posts and answers are based on the work in Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain: The Mind-Body Connection by Celeste Cooper, RN, and Jeff Miller, PhD. 2010, Vermont: Healing Arts press and are not meant to replace medical advice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just want to thank you for the information you share. I share it with my large support group, including your link so they too may find the information. Wish you were close, so we could have you as a speaker. It is very hard to find good resources of comprehensive, current factual information on FM and CFIDS!

Celeste's Website

Celeste's Website
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